The title of this weeks blog tells it all! I am tired but happy and it certainly beats being tired and grumpy!!
As usual, I blinked and missed the week go by. It has been full of wonderful connections with wonderful people and I feel very blessed to be me. I spent a full Saturday with my youngest and we didn't get irritated with each other at all-a blessing in itself. I was manning a stall for my friends business which is a fantastic register full of therapists who she checks have the right creds and insurance and who offer discount at the Maggies cancer centres. She's a busy lady and was teaching on Saturday and as I'm a dab hand at school and church fairs, I said I'd cover her stall. The Body and Soul fair was quiet but we had a lovely day spending time with some of the registered therapists and Ali and I both had tasters. Mine was of Bio-energy healing which felt calming and balancing and the therapist picked up that I'm needing healing around my sacral chakra. I smiled, through the treatment as I could hear my 11 year old giving her sales pitch to people about Therapies United and the taster sessions. She made me very proud with the ease she showed in asking other stall-holders if they'd like her to get them a hot drink. She was a little star. She was rewarded by having Reiki, reflexology and indian head massage tasters and needless to say she slept well on Saturday night!!
The girl wants to be a singer/actress but also wants, at her tender age, to learn reiki and IHM. Her costars/band will all be very balanced if she combines the 2!
The other thing I've done twice in the past week is go to see new healing centres that have opened!
They are in different directions, much needed and will hopefully be as busy as they rightly deserve to be as their creators have put themselves fully into them.
The Mandala centre in Cupar, Fife will be offering courses/workshops in Reiki, mediumship, spiritual development and Bach Flower remedies amongst others and will also offer therapies including vortex healing and kiniesiology. Lesley Brannan is the lady to speak to there and she's great! Go check this lovely little space out.
Indigo Silk is in East Lothian between Tranent and Haddington and is on farmland. It's going to be incredibly popular for those of us who run courses because it has the added luxury of students being able to have B&B. For me, it's new wood smell and the wall of the kitchen that folds back completely, to leave an open outlook into the garden, sold it. Jillie, who is the lady to see down there has found a magical little nuek for those of us who love the peace and quiet of the country. Jillie does colour therapy and I know that there are going to be lots of other things going on there but you'll just have to go check it out along with the Mandala Centre.
You'll be made most welcome at both!
Anyhoo! The title of this did begin with the word tired and bed is just around the corner-well, upstairs actually but you get my drift.
But I need to tell you that I'm driving around in a big fancy new car! It doesn't smell of mud and there is no dust or litter strewn around inside it! It's like a little haven all of it's own....................but it's a rental!
Bill was making a right turn and got rear-ended in ours whilst Ali and I were in therapy heaven on Saturday. Our car is so old it qualifies for the scrappage 2 grand but we were planning to keep it till it refused to ferry us around any more. The insurance assessor has told me that they will likely just write it off as the damage-repair isn't worth it-EEK! So there will be stories of car-hunting to share next week perhaps? Meanwhile I shall enjoy my folding mirrors and dual temp interior because the chances of matching this car with the one we buy are slim to none but a girl can dream!
Signing off with much love to all and wishing you all a peaceful and happy week,
Posted on Wed, October 7, 2009
by Linsey Denham