The hoover is parked in the middle of the hall and I'm having a wonderful chat with Andrew via skype. I know that I should be able to do this multitasking lark but the truth is that the reality of hoovering, skyping and typing is probably beyond me. So in preparation, an apology for this blog in case it makes much less sense than its sometimes nonsense.
I've threatened this week, to chat about the cheeky men in my life because of all their "dissing" (a word that I hear young people use and that I hope fits in here, to make me sound "hip"......or not)
One of my favourite things to do first thing, almost on par with getting my caffiene fix, is to read what the pair of them have been skyping back and forth, in the middle of the night. Bill stays on his night-shift sleep-routine when he's off, 'cause he functions better that way. It seems like forever ago since we took turns at getting out of bed to deal with the kids. Thinking about it, it must have been pre 2006 because we both got up every morning that year and then he went on permenant nights-ugh.
Ugh, not to the nights but Ugh to my having to get up every school-morning, being that I am not a morning-person in any way shape or form. Ask my kids. Occassionally I can rouse myself off the sofa within 20mins of plonking myself down there, with my coffee but more often than not, I'm still there after a half hour has passed. Now, if I count up all those half hours, that's a hang of a lot of zombie-time.
Have I already mentioned that I can't wait for the days when I need less sleep. It's one of the few things about getting old that appeals to me. Bill gets up and instantly springs into action. His eyes aren't even fully open, sometimes. I do have times when I can get straight on and do what needs done, like when we are going on holiday or when I've slept in. So, why isn't that transferrable to normal school days? I need to bring it up at the next Bach meeting to see what remedy they think will help. I'll have been on it already but perhaps I need to be on it for a long, long, long, long time. In fact, I may need it untill that "needing less sleep" kicks in.
Now, back to the "dissing" of the mother of the house, who would be me. A couple of mornings ago, as I scrolled up the conversation, to find the start, I noticed a message from Bill, addressed to me stating "It wisnae me"
I'm well used to being teased by my other half and can see the humour in his words, for the most part. It seems that he has instructed our son well, in the art of cheek and Andrews list of "smacks-owed from mum" seems to be growing rather fast. He tells me that I'll offset it with the same amount of hugs (cause I miss him) but that will depend on how much more cheek he dishes at me, before we reunite. I'm not sure about giving you the details but suffice to say that they were mocking my positivity.
Positivity vs Reality, they debate with me.
But in my beliefs, you make your own reality and so if you can be positive, your reality will be a much more enjoyable one.
And on that note, I'm cross-eyed and need to go to bed. I'll post this tonight so that the "cheeky" boy can read it and I may or may not get around to adding some more tomorrow.
Sending much love out to all of you who take the time to tune in to my blurbs.
Be well and happy,
Posted on Wed, January 19, 2011
by Linsey Denham