Try Crystal healing

Try Crystal healing

Happy wednesday,

I'm actually writing this on Tuesday evening as there's little to no chance of getting it done tomorrow! Days are busy and the only reason I'm typing at all is because my buddy is sitting opposite me tapping away on her laptop!

We had a wonderful trip up the east coast today and she took 100+ photos of the various things she saw including stones on the beach-simple things give simple pleasures, eh?

The weather stayed dry until we got into the car to come home, which was great and St Andrews had some lovely bits and pieces around itĀ for us both to spend a lovely afternoon. I haven't been up there for a long time and I suspect by the end of the visit that I'll have evoked many memories of my younger days, travelling to various places around Scotland. Today seemed remarkably familiar, somehow. Funny how you forget things you've seen until you see them again.

This week will be full of Historic Scotland visits including Edinburgh and Stirling Castles, which I'm looking forward to-surprisingly. The oldness of it all is mind-boggling and we're off to the Roslin Chapel tomorrow, which is somewhere I have long-desired to visit-even before Tom Hanks went there!

Janette is hopefully joining us and we'll stop in at Costco en-route as Lynn needs a receipt to prove she was in the Edinburgh branch. She and her dad have a family competition going on to see who can visit the most out-of province Costcos!! I love the place so am happy to go for any excuse!!

Anyway, the tapping opposite has stopped and so shall I.

Lynn had a wee Reiki session from my friend Lesley in her (healing) Mandala (centre) in Cupar, en-route to St Andrews and so she will hopefully sleep well tonight. Both of us came home armed with beautiful crystals from the centre and are all set for them to help us with our lives! I always come home empty pursed from crystal suppliers-love them would not be a strong enough description for how I feel about the healing properties of crystals.

Give them a wee bit thought if you have something going on that you'd like help with. Like the Bach remedies, they can help with their energies to improve your wellbeing and we could all do with being VERY well at this time of year-right!?

Signing off now-have a lovely week,



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