Happy Wednesday,
Last week was a very quick and very busy one. But this week seems to be worse despite the fact that I had not a lot planned. I wrote the beginning of this blog last weekend, changing it firstly to Happy Monday and now it's Wednesday.
Last week probably felt like that because I was down South for a couple of days. I went down to the Bach centre to do my level 2 Bach trainer-training and it was Sooo much better than my last visit there, when I did my Level 1 training.
I (of course) was taking remedies for the way I was feeling around the possibility of there being a repeat-performance of my Level 1 meltdown. They worked an absolute treat and I knew, before I even left Edinburgh that all of my negative emotions had been balanced out.
I was no longer scared of falling apart-Mimulus.
I no longer felt like I had to put on a smiley happy face in case people judged me for being less than sociable and to allow me to risk conflict when saying what I needed to, when I needed to-Agrimony.
I felt able to approach others more easily, although I knew that it would be okay to stay detached, if it felt right for me-Water Violet.
I felt confident that I was able to participate in the course-Larch
I felt able to adapt to my change in environment and strong in my belief of being able to stand my ground, if needed-Walnut.
How wonderful it felt, on completion of the course to know that I had done it without feeling trapped and overwhelmed. Yippee.
I also took Bill with me which made a lovely difference-having him with me in the mornings and evenings.
We are not a couple who need special treatment or fancy surroundings and the Travelodge we stayed in was cheap and basic but served our needs fully. Being close to Tesco and Pizza Hut was an added bonus as was the fact that we were able to curl up and watch "The Full Monty" and one of the Star Trek movies on consecutive nights.
The Star Trek movie was of particular relevance to me and my knowledge of how the remedies can help you to not interfere with others or allow them to interfere with you.
In Star Trek, it's called their "Prime Directive" and it makes perfect sense in my Bach world where perhaps that Prime Directive will now be used when I give descriptions of Walnut.
I am going to observe my own Level 2 trainer teach Level 2 in May next year and I aspire to teach as she does. We have to observe another trainer before we can teach ourselves-seems like a good plan.
I probably need a bit Vervain, whilst teaching Level 1 and I am hoping to be a calm, confident, balanced Water Violet by the time that I am ready to teach my first Level 2 (hopefully next summer.)
So, here we are, with another week half gone and I am happy to tell you that I had a Bach Consultation myself, today

One of my Level 1 students has gone on to do Levels 2 and 3 and I volunteered to be a case-study, if she needed me. Lucky old me, she did and I now have a bit of a different mixture to the one that I chose for myself a few days ago.
I am still battling with my Wine-intake and also with my self-promotion so it made sense to have her help me to choose remedies to assist me in these 2 areas of my life.
I was amazed at what came out of my mouth in the way of words that I didn’t know applied to me. I also mentioned things that obviously were concerning me that I hadn’t realised were.
She did a fantastic job of describing the feelings that went with the remedies we chose and I actually felt oddly emotional with some of her suggestions. A clear indication that the remedy was required.
The combination that we chose for me is unlike any other mixture that I have had. One of the remedies I don’t think I have ever had and 2 of them I have only used briefly. WOW-if these work I am going to organise a consultation-swap on a monthly basis to help me see the forest from the trees.
Anyways-must dash. Will expand on the remedies I chose next time and will let you know how I’m getting on.
Much love,
Posted on Wed, October 12, 2011
by Linsey Denham