"Why me?"

"Why me?"

Happy Wednesday!

I'm trying to make sure that this blog is kept up weekly and I woke this morning at 6am thinking that because I had such a busy day ahead, I should really get up to write something. I fell back to sleep with that very thought in my head and got up, as usual, when my alarm went off at seven-fourteen. So this post will be brief, as my day involves running from pillar to post.

Actually, that's how this past week has felt, although that wouldn't reflect the many times that I've sat chatting with my hubbie, as if there was nothing to be done.

It's all about perception, I think. I could choose to feel sorry for myself because of all the chasing around I've got myself into or I can recognise that it is my choice to do exactly that. And I luckily am balanced enough in that department to see that the latter is true and that I'm absolutely fine with my choice.

Sometimes we can get caught up in the whole "why does it have to be me?" or "why do I always have to do that?" or "why doesn't he/she do that instead of me?" and that's a resentful, unhappy place to spend time in. I know that I'm there when I find myself thinking 'Why am I the only one who ever clears up the toast-crumbs?' In reality, I am choosing to be bothered by the toast-crumbs on our kitchen-counter. They don't bother anyone else, in fact I don't think they even see them. I do see them and don't like the mess and so I choose to clear them and if I'm feeling resentful for doing so, I know that I need to go and take some Willow, which is for the "poor and why me?" that I'm feeling.

It's such a simple thing to do but taking Willow quickly changes my whole perception of things and I become able to clear up the toast-crumbs without even registering that it's a task.

If you're someone who let's little things that you choose to do, make you feel resentful towards others who don't share the need to do them, take some Willow. Let it work it's magic to help you understand that there's no point in wasting your energy on 'huffing' because you think that "life's unfair". Let go of those resentments and know that you and you alone are responsible for the things that you choose to do.

Okay-must go but might try to write between Wednesdays or even try to be more flexible and write whenever I feel like it.......and that flexibility is helped by a different remedy altogether.

Be Happy,


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