Wild Oat will help me choose my path and it's less than a week till I get an Andrew-Hug.
Good morning one and all. I have a Wednesday habit of writing down, on my daily "to-do" list, that my blog needs written. Lately, it seems that that is all that gets written.
Today I thought that I'd try a different tact and get my thumbs going early, with my morning coffee. Granted that my eyes and brain are not fully awake so there may be some mistakes. Apologies, in advance because I rarely read over what I write.
Last night was the final night of my Bach course at Leith Academy and I can't believe that the 6 weeks are already done. It's always lovely when a student leaves, saying that they will miss coming along each week.
The most important thing that I think the students get out of the course is the new relationship with themselves and the knowledge that they are not alone in the way they feel.
I watch, with delight, the reintroduction to themselves that these wonderful women have.
Teaching, for me, is not about knowing more than the people I teach. It is my way of contributing my experiences, with the remedies, to help others to become as happy in their daily lives as me.
Roll on September when I will be teaching both at Leith Academy and Portobello High school.
I am still to get myself organised for officially offering remedies at PHS and I have been approached by a youngster who would like to learn about Bach. I keep asking the universe to attract more and more of my lifes purpose towards me and so I am trying to patiently watch and listen to what is sent my way.
At the moment, I have Wild Oat in my bottle which is the remedy for those unsure of their path in life. Whilst I know that mine involves healing, I am just not sure from which direction?
Teenagers have been a strong pull (and I've mentioned before about my belief that I was given my 3 to practice on)
Parents are another area where I have a deep sense of being able to help.
Families who live with disability in their lives are also an area that I feel strongly drawn to but, apart from caring for my mum, I have no personal experience of their emotions and so perhaps this is not for me?
Autism, in all it's many guises, is an area where I have absolutely no experience whatsoever and yet I have been hugely interested in autism since I was a teenager. People on the autistic spectrum have emotions which I sense could be helped by the tools I use for healing. Reiki, Bach remedies and Love. Using this threesome on whole families affected by autism could only be beneficial and I think that I need to be brave enough to make some calls, to find out where I can begin to offer my services, in this area? That's a job for August, I think.
July is all about family-time and the 5 of us being together again-yippee.
I get my first hug in more than a year, in less than a week-yippee again.
I shall not be working from June 28th to July 26th but I will be contactable via email, if anyone is struggling and needs my input. I won't be able to send out remedies but I will be able to organise to have them sent to you from another practitioner. Don't struggle-you're meant to be happy :-)
And speaking of happiness, even the rainy, Feb-like weather outside isn't affecting mine. I have 101 things to do, before I zip-off next Tuesday, but if they don't get done-c'est la vie:-)
Apart from making sure that I get remedies out to all who will need refills whilst I am away and making sure that someone (Grandad) looks after the budgie and my precious plants, the rest will take care of itself :-)
On that note, I'm off to have breakfast. My beautiful 2nd year has just gone off to school an hour later than usual because the new 1st years have their 1st of their 2 day visit today. Ali is the most enthusiastic bundle of energy you could ever meet and I know exactly where my youthful energy went.
Jen is finding out at this exact time, whether or not she's been chosen to be Head Girl and it will be a daunting experience for all the candidates because they learn who's got the job in the presence of those who have not. A bit like being on X factor or that Top-model show, I suppose but without the millions of t.v viewers. For a girl who suffered hugely with her emotions in first year, I am so proud of the young woman she has become. She is kind and caring but will also use her voice when she has an opinion, knowing that she counts as much as the next person. She will have a fantastic 6th year and I can't wait to see what she does with all her many talents, whether she is Head Girl or not.
My son and "saviour"? (He knows what I mean) He's got decisions to make, when he comes home. He needs to try to tune into what feels right to do next. He's such an inspiration for young people who think that they are too shy to ever go off on their own and explore life. He has done it and for the most part, he's done so under his own steam and he can give himself a big gold star for achievement.
Life is about being happy. It's not all about academia and making as much money as possible. Yes, you must be able to support yourself, in whatever you choose to do but doing things each day that make you happy to be who you are, has to be top of the list.
Fear of not having enough is huge, in todays societies and we need to change the worldwide view of lack, especially here in the West. A friends daughter has just returned from 4 months in Zambia and I am looking forward to hearing all about her changed view of needing the right outfit :-) I'm sure that her ideas about herself and humanity will have changed. She and Andrew have had very different experiences but both chose to go out on their own, to experience standing on their own 2 (now adult) feet. Well done, guys.
Ok, breakfast is still calling so I better send this and eat. I shall paste it onto my website later-hopefully :-)
Much love everyone and remember to spread the love,
Posted on Wed, June 22, 2011
by Linsey Denham