Last weeks blog ended by my stating that I would chat about the wonderful women I encountered during my couple of weeks of vacation and amazingly I've remembered that I said that.
In Skye, I experienced the energy of the wonderful woman who owned the house that we rented. Everything about that house felt on my wavelength and had been put there with love by its owner. Have you ever gone into a place and felt instantly at home? Sometimes you don't even have to physically meet someone to know how amazing they are.
We met a couple who helped to run her sisters pony-trecking/riding business. The conversation was brought on by my husbands Toronto Blue jay t-shirt and we discovered that they too had lived in Canada and their son had been born there. As if that wasn't enough to share, Bill's rugby pants caused the conversation to shift to rugby and we learned that they had grown up in our patch of Edinburgh and had gone to Portobello High School, sharing many acquaintances with us. Christines brother had played rugby for the same club as Bill and Stuart had delivered papers for our local Post-office. They have spent many years travelling/living in other parts of the world and interestingly said that they felt it was simply "time to come home." I always find it fantastic that people go out into the world despite the fears involved and experience all that life has in store for them. Perhaps that's why I'm contented that Andrew has gone off on his travels. We have done our job in making him independant of us and now he has to find out what the world holds for him. I know that I have it easier than parents of previous generations-including mine. My parents had to wait for a letter or a phone-call from me when I moved to Canada (and the cost was not cheap for a phone-call 25 years ago) whereas I can send an email or Skype Andrew every day, making him seem much closer than he actually is.
Oops-a wee diversion from wonderful women there.
London found me meeting up with a couple of wonderful women who I have been working with using online/telephone Bach consults.
The first one I met for coffee, in a cafe outside her office and only 10 minutes walk from where we were staying. Too close to not have organised to meet up with her, I thought and I was so very glad to put a face and personality to this dynamic woman. I gained some insight into who she was and her reasons for struggling with her emotions sometimes. She is from the generation, like me, where we unrealistically feel responsible for fixing things for everyone else whilst forgetting to take care of ourselves. She is learning, though and is hopeful that all of her effort is paying off. She is trying to be stronger for and more true to herself and my admiration for her plans and potential is huge. She will be an advert for following your dreams whilst remembering to enjoy yourself on the way.
My other meeting was to the house of a young mum who I have always felt very connected to despite our very different cultural upbringing. She has all the outward fire that my Arien birthday is supposed to afford me but doesn't. I wish that I could be more like her in the open way that she expresses herself but us Brits are so afraid of showing how we really feel aren't we? I borrowed a car, whilst at my brother-in-laws and snuck of for a couple of hours to see my friend. Like the London meeting, when I discovered that she was only 25 mins from Dougs, to not visit would have been stranger than visiting. This wonderful woman forgets sometimes how great she is. She's tired, from sleep-deprived nights and that can make your perception of yourself and those around you a bit warped.
I remember it well from my days with my kids as babies/toddlers. Sometimes you feel like you are totally alone and are the only mum that can't cope with everything that needs done. We expect our husbands to know how we're feeling without actually really telling them and are upset that they fail to help us in the way we need them to.
This fantastic woman wants to enjoy her life with her husband and beautiful baby boy. Not a huge wish, is it? But parenthood doesn't come with a "How-to" manual and young parents have often been brought up very differently from each other which can cause some friction. Finding some common ground and maintaining communication would be my 2 pieces of advice to any young parents. The emotions are the same, the world over, for parenthood and the enjoyment of your children can get lost in the daily grind of survival-to-bedtime.
For any parent with little people, try to ask for help before you feel resentful, angry or exhausted. It doesn't mean that you are a failure because you ask. It means that you recognise that you need to be well to do a good job as a parent and having help when you need it can prevent physical illness manifesting from emotional imbalance.
For my friend I know that she will be strong and find ways to feel connected to others again. She will know that she can still be who she is without getting lost as a mother and wife. She will compromise on things but not on herself and she will be happy.
I've run out of time to talk about the women I met at the writers workshop I attended whilst in London. 2 young writers who made an impression on me and who I was so glad to have been able to connect with. Both from very different lives with very different books at their fingertips. And not forgetting the inspirational editor who ran one of my workshops-I'd like her job!
And finally I need to say thank-you to the 3 wonderful ladies who allowed us to share their home, when we were down south. My sister-in-law and my 2 nieces, who are all very special and unique and who (as in my house) are finding a way to live together through the hormonal years. Thanks guys and we love you:)
Signing off now and looking forward to teaching next week. Hopefully will get a blog written.
Posted on Thu, July 29, 2010
by Linsey Denham