Wow-has it been that long?

Wow-has it been that long?

,,,,since I wrote my nonsense? Obviously so but I had no clue that the time had disappeared in such a huge amount. When I last wrote this, Andrew was getting ready to turn 18 and to fly off "into the unknown" (which is the title of his blog) I'm glad to report that he's settled into Toronto life and playing rugby or training 4 times most weeks plus working in the downtown Toronto Adidas shop-great place for a boy who loves his sport-especially when they have a half-price sale on with additional 30% off for staff. Is it any surprise that he's not saving his cents?

We missed him on our family holiday to Skye and London, this past couple of weeks. We did the locations the wrong way around because Skye was so laid back that we did hardly anything or heard any noise whilst London Soho, on a Monday night, was like New Years Eve in Edinburgh-EEK. I found that the volume of noise and its business made London a bit scary. The traffic was chaotic and the crowds almost like a tidal wave trying to wash you in the opposite direction from where you wanted to go. Our appartment wasn't air-conditioned (my oversight as I usually make sure my temp is covered) and so we needed all the windows open all day and night which meant that the din from the downstair street made it almost impossible to hear the t.v. Sleep was possible, though it was late-to-bed for us all, after the worst of the noise was made.

The experience was made worthwhile by the shows that we went to see and the ease with which the theatres were reached from our noisy abode (the reason we stayed in Soho in the first place)

It was as well that we saw Phantom first because it came 3rd place in a 3 show competition. It would have seemed even less, if it had been seen after The Jersey Boys which claimed top marks from Bill or Les Mis which topped the girls list. It's not that it was bad-it could never be, in my opinion but when it was put up against the other two on consecutive days, there was no question of it being in their league-sorry Sir Andrew.

Much to Alisons delight, Nick Jonas (of the teen Jonas Brothers group) extended his role as Marius including the performance of Les Mis that we attended and his love interest, Cosette, was played by Lucy Jones who was a finalist on X-Factor.

Persistent as she is, my little girl got her picture taken with and autographs from both of them concluding 3 visits to the stage door entrance. Her wee smile afterwards was worth the suffering of hormonal, screaming, crushing girls and I could only feel sorry for this 17 year old boy who looked kinda scared throught the whole adoring-fans incident.

We took the weather from Skye (wet, wet, wet) with us to London although not in such abundance. The heatwave of the South had broken by the time we arrived there and they were just resuming it when we came home-typical. But, I actually don't like hot, sticky weather in my volatile temp-swinging years anyway. Usually my hot flushes are under control but they went haywire because I wasn't using my usual mixture of remedies and the ones I had were not taken regularly. Yet another little piece of proof for me to file away alongside the increase in sister-spats that were due to them not using their remedies whilst we were on holiday. I don't know how Bill is going to survive this year with 3 hormonal females and no Andrew to support him in his quest to ignore us. Hopefully the right remedies taken as they should be will sort us out.

Skye was beautiful, despite the weather and we stayed in a perfect little house with the most wonderful energy in it. It felt like home instantly and I was content to sit listening to the rain falling on the conservatory rooftop. It reminded me of my childhood holidays in caravans, when it always seemed to rain. Dunvegan Castle had a similar feel to it and I suspect that many a happy ancestor strolled around there, with the Fairy Flag securing their peace of mind. I will travel back there soon to enjoy the tranquility again of that Island.

And on that note I will finish as I need to give my sis' a call, to tell her all about the home of our great-grandfather. I am glad that we gave Macleod to Andrew as one of his middle names. Hold-Fast is a wonderful, inspirational statement to have on your Coat-of-Arms and it will stand him in good stead.

My next blog will be about the wonderful women I met during my trip down south. All of them very different and from different places but full of love and potential. I may even write before next week, which may be another new me.

Lots of Love to all,



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