written on 12th May but stuck in phone till now-oops.

written on 12th May but stuck in phone till now-oops.

Having just taken Elm (for feeling overwhelmed) and Hornbeam (for feeling tired at the thought of doing anything) it seems quite miraculous that 2 mins later I am writing a blog. I am typing it on my phone, so don't know exactly when the last time I wrote one was but I know that it's been a while.
The only thing that I have written with regularity recently is my Sunday email to Andrew, to tell him that I love him twice (taken from the mini-series we love called 'Taken')
My book-writing has been non-existent for months and I have not tuned in to Facebook since the day before my birthday nearly 4 weeks ago.
Sitting with my morning coffee, looking at a pile of photographs scattered around the floor, pondering my going to bed at 10pm last night I recognised that I do not know where to start with all that has to be done-a sure sign of my feeling overwhelmed. Getting up after more than 10 hours in bed, still feeling tired and feeling more tired at beginning to tackle anything that needs done was more than a nudge towards the Hornbeam bottle.
But even I, with my total belief in Bach magic, did not expect to be tapping this out within a couple of minutes of taking he remedies-WOW. Perhaps the Universe knew that I really needed a jolt? What am I saying-of course it did.
Pretty much as soon as I took the remedies, whilst lounging with my feet up, cradling my first cup of coffee, I had a thought about 'something' that was sooo helpful to parents out there that I had to write a blog. The ridiculous thing now is that I cannot remember what it is that I wanted to pass on to them.
I could sit here for an hour, searching the depths of my brain for the info' and maybe find it but I think that the reason I had the inspiration was just to prove to me how quickly the remedies can work and motivate me to do something that has felt like a chore, for the last few weeks.
I love to write and yet that love had become hidden and lost, somewhere inside of me. The Hornbeam worked so quickly because it hasn't been lost for long and the Elm allowed me to get started by doing one small thing that I wanted to do rather than focusing on the mountain of stuff that I want to do.
I have been without a remedy mix for a couple of weeks now but I do believe that it's time to make one up. Hornbeam has helped with procrastinating on mixing one and Elm, again, has helped me to do one more small thing from my to-do list (if there was a list-been procrastinating on that, too)
So, even though I have not passed on a golden nugget about parenting, I have given you a little bit of insight on 2 remedies that can help get you out of the chair and happily plodding through what used to feel like chores.
Happy Sunday. This day will be filled with lots of little things being ticked off my list-how about yours?
Much love,


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